convention on biological diversity
ecosystem-based adaptation
I engaged with a global network of practitioners and experts to provide governments with practical step-by-step guidance, tools and case studies on ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) and disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR). This guidance was ultimately adopted by Parties at CBD COP14.
- Synthesized case studies on EbA & Eco-DRR (CBD Technical Series No. 85)
- Developed guidelines for EbA and Eco-DRR implementation (CBD Technical Series No. 93)
secretariats of the Rio Conventions
Coordinated the Rio Conventions Pavilion, showcasing best practices in implementing the three Rio Conventions (CBD, UNCCD, and UNFCCC)
- Programme planning with a large network of countries and organizations
- Fundraising and communications
- On-the-ground logistics to execute successful events including in Rio, Hyderabad, Windhoek, Sharm El Sheik and Katowice
Ramsar convention
- Analysis of outreach and communications
- Recommendations for enhanced delivery of scientific/technical guidance (with Stephanie Mansourian)
UN Development Programme
- Policy briefs, communications and backstopping for outreach and capacity-building on biodiversity and development initiatives
Un framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC)
- Provide biodiversity expertise for the Nairobi Work Programme on Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change
- Preparing a scoping paper on the role of biodiversity and ecosystems in adaptation
- Working with experts to co-design outreach and dissemination activities
equator Principles
- Provided coordination support to the Secretariat for the Equator Principles, a partnership of 90+ international financial institutions applying sector-leading environmental and social risk management practices (with PeopleSized )