convention on biological diversity

ecosystem-based adaptation 

I engaged with a global network of practitioners and experts to provide governments with practical step-by-step guidance, tools and case studies on ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) and disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR). This guidance was ultimately adopted by Parties at CBD COP14.

secretariats of the Rio Conventions

Coordinated the Rio Conventions Pavilion, showcasing best practices in implementing the three Rio Conventions (CBD, UNCCD, and UNFCCC)

  • Programme planning with a large network of countries and organizations
  • Fundraising and communications
  • On-the-ground logistics  to execute successful events including in Rio, Hyderabad, Windhoek, Sharm El Sheik and Katowice

Ramsar convention

  • Analysis of outreach and communications
  • Recommendations for enhanced delivery  of scientific/technical guidance (with Stephanie Mansourian)


UN Development Programme

  • Policy briefs, communications and backstopping for outreach and capacity-building on biodiversity and development initiatives

Un framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC)

  • Provide biodiversity expertise for the Nairobi Work Programme on Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change
  • Preparing a scoping paper on the role of biodiversity and ecosystems in adaptation
  • Working with experts to co-design outreach and dissemination activities

equator Principles

  • Provided coordination support to the Secretariat for the Equator Principles, a partnership of 90+ international financial institutions applying sector-leading environmental and social risk management practices (with PeopleSized )